




Residents can bring their household hazardous waste to the County’s 小型转运及回收设施. A select few household hazardous waste items can be picked up by the 住宅路边服务.

Charlotte County only offers these services for residential households, businesses must hire a 危险的搬运工.


A product is considered hazardous if it is corrosive, 有毒, 易燃, or reacts or explodes when mixed with other substances. 看 out for signal words on labels such as poison, danger, warning, and caution. Most Charlotte County homes contain three to ten gallons of these hazardous products. 这些包括日常用品,如油漆, 杀虫剂, 清洁工, 汽车产品和未使用的药物.


Hazardous products must be disposed of in the proper way to reduce environmental impact and any safety hazards. 有毒产品被扔进垃圾桶, 可能伤害环卫工人, 损坏收集车, 或者泄漏到环境中. 倾销或 非法卸货 家庭危险废物流入下水道, 在地上, or in a stormwater drains will cause water pollution, 损坏管道, 以及化粪池系统.


Mini-Transfer & 回收设施

电池: 汽车上的铅酸电池, 船, 摩托车, and lawn mowers can be recycled at your curb, 被带到零售商那里, 或者被带到 小型转运及回收设施 Rechargeable batteries (NiCad) should not be thrown in the trash. 带你去找零售商或 小型转移和回收设施. Regular single use household batteries can be thrown in your trash.

清洁剂和抛光剂: ​Use them up or give them to someone who can. Household 清洁工 can still be used even if they are several years old. 你也可以带他们去a 小型转移和回收设施. ​

食用油: ​Charlotte County residents can dispose of used cooking oil free of charge at both Mid-County and West Charlotte 小型转运及回收设施.

汽油、煤油及柴油燃料: Residents are encouraged to use up as an engine fuel. Strain old gasoline through a paint filter, dilute by one half with fresh gasoline and use up in your lawnmower. 另一种方法是取a 小型转移和回收设施. Fuels are accepted in securely closed containers. It is illegal to dump any household hazardous waste into sewers, storm drains or anybody of water.查看更多关于 非法倾倒和非法排放.

杀虫剂和除草剂: ​The best way to get rid of these is to use them up according to the label directions or give it to someone who can. 如果这是不可能的,带来一个 小型转移和回收设施.

池的化学物质: ​Try to use these up and be careful not to mix acid with chlorine. 保持容器密封. 如有必要,请带 小型转移和回收设施.

汞: ​Please bring devices containing this 有毒 metal to a 小型转移和回收设施​. Items include fluorescent light tubes, thermometers.

油漆、脱模剂、污渍和清漆: Usable paint can be used as a primer coat or given away. Small amounts of paint can harden by taking the lid off to dry or by mixing with kitty litter. Dried paint can be safely disposed in your regular trash, just remember to leave the lid off. If you have cannot get rid of it using the above-mentioned methods, take it to a 小型转移和回收设施. Try to use them up, and also try to use water-based products. If you can’t use it up, then bring it to a Mini-Transfer & 回收设施.

注射器和皮下注射针: ​There are two locations in the County and one for City residents to pick up new and drop off used sharps containers:
  • 这两个县 Mini-Transfer设施 在正常工作时间
  • 蓬塔戈尔达市 Fire Department office in the 公共安全 Building at 1410 Tamiami Trail, 蓬Gorda, 星期一至星期五上午8点.m. – 4:30 p.m.

This service is for residents only, businesses cannot participate. 如果你不能开车到 小型转移和回收设施,请致电941.764.4360. Sharps are the only biomedical waste accepted at the transfer facilities. 我们不接受“红包”废物. Please 联系 your medical facility for disposal instructions for these types of bio-hazardous waste.


机油和旧机油滤清器: ​Curbside motor oil/filters and non-leaking lead-acid battery collection is available on your scheduled service day. Use a transparent gallon container (milk jug type) with a screw-type lid for your oil and a clear plastic bag for your filters and place items 5 feet away from your garbage cart. Place non-leaking vehicle lead-acid battery at the curb 5 feet away from your carts as well. 许多汽车配件店也出售二手油.

It is illegal to dump any household hazardous waste into sewers, storm drains, or anybody of water.查看更多关于 非法倾倒和非法排放.

电池: 汽车上的铅酸电池, 船, 摩托车, and lawnmowers can be recycled at your curb, 被带到零售商那里, 或者被带到 Mini-Transfer & 回收设施.

电子产品(电子): 不受欢迎的电子产品, 电子垃圾, can be picked up on your regularly scheduled service day by request only. 安排电子垃圾回收 领取申请表 或致电废物管理941查询.629.1106 or 941.697.0012 (Englewood area) 2 days prior to your scheduled pickup day.


部分403.7225和403.佛罗里达州法规(F . 7234.S.) establish the Local 危险废物 Assessments and the Small Quantity Generator Notification and Verification Program. The SQG program is intended to educate potential generators of their legal responsibilities regarding the management of hazardous waste.

  • 极少量发电机(VSQG): VSQGs generate less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month and less than 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste (such as some pesticides, 毒素, or arsenic and cyanide compounds) per month.
  • 小型发电机(SQG): SQGs generate 220 to 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste per month.
  • 大型发电机(LQG): LQGs generate 2,200 pounds or more of hazardous waste per month or 2.2 pounds or more of acute hazardous waste per month.


If you would like to discuss hazardous waste compliance call 941.764.4360或浏览 危险废物合规和执法 了解更多信息.


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